26 Mag Martina Marafatto emerging film editor at Kino Otok!

courtesy Mélanie Lemahieu
Siamo felici di annunciare che la nostra Martina Marafatto è stata selezionata quale montatrice emergente per partecipare alla seconda edizione di “FOCUS international training and networking programme” durante le giornate di Kino Otok a Izola!
“The 14th edition of International Film Festival Kino Otok – Isola Cinema is ready to welcome twelve emerging filmmakers from Italy, Croatia and Slovenia, who have been selected at the public call for second international training and networking programme FOCUS. As part of the PRO Otok scheme, it will take place in Izola, Slovenia, from 6 until 9 June 2018. FOCUS is intended for broad professional audience; therefore part of the programme activities with renowned filmmakers, editor Dragan von Petrovic, sound designer Julij Zornik, sound designer Paul Davies, and director Rati Oneli, will be open for PRO pass holders and all interested individuals.”
12 Emerging Film Editors And Sound Designers From The Region Selected For FOKUS